Here are a couple of nice Kirkin o’ the Tartan videos on You Tube:
The first is from Christ Church Episcopal in Greenville.
A nice clip showing the procession. I like the way the person doing the filming caught the banners from the front. A lot of the videos are from the back of the sanctuary, which make it a little harder the really see them.
The second one is from Peace Memorial Presbyterian in Clearwater.
This is a somewhat longer clip, and this one hits you with ads before you get to the actual video, but it features some very nice music from the Tampa Bay Pipers and Drums. A little bit more time spent showing off the church than the first video, but it still captures the feel of the service pretty well, I thought.
While there are many legends about the Kirkin o’ the Tartan in Scotland, the first verifiable mention of it is in a sermon the Rev. Peter Marshall gave in 1941 as a fundraiser for a mobile kitchen at the start of World War II.
The site Scottish Tartan Authority has a very nice post that include information from one of Rev. Marshall’s parishioners that backs this account up, if you would like a more in-depth article.
If you are interested in a Kirkin o’ the Tartan, you might want to get in touch with a local St. Andrew’s Society or Caledonian Society branch, as they are often called on to help. The local St. Andrew’s branch even states on their site that they now have 140 tartan banners for use in Kirkins!
Hope this post has piqued your interest