Tartan Products
Tartans are kind of our thing. Need a subtle accent or a finishing flourish? We can shape your family colors into plaids, sashes, scarves, ties, hats and more things than you can shake a kilt at.
Tartan Pocket ApronPurchase: $29.99
Tartan Tote BagsPurchase: $39.99
Tartan Pocket ScarfPurchase: $34.95
Ladies' Sash Rent: $12
Purchase: $39 -
Ladies' Stole Purchase: $49
Groom's Plaid Purchase: $59
Fly Plaid Purchase:$69
Piper's Plaid Purchase: $79
Tartan Fabric Purchase: $19 per yard
Tartan Swatch Purchase: $5
Wool Ladies' Sash
(Light Weight) Purchase: $70 -
Lambswool Serape Purchase: $135
Wool Tartan Serape
(Light Weight) Purchase: $165.00 -
Extra Fine Merino Stole Purchase: $68.00
Lambswool Blankets Purchase: $150.00
Premium Lambswool Scarves Purchase: $35
Irish Lambswool Scarves Purchase: $35
Premium Wool Neckties Purchase: $27
Irish Tartan Neckties Purchase: $27
Tartan Bow Tie Purchase: $15 -
Flashes Purchase: $6
Tartan Glengarry Hat Purchase: $35
Tartan Stocking Purchase: $29