Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod


Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod
This is a replacement carbon fiber rod for the Piper's Pal Reed Protector. The rod can also be used to "shut the chanter off" for novice pipers. When the rod is inserted in the chanter, the piper can practice holding the chanter and blowing the drones, without playing the chanter reed. The reed remains safely in the pipes, and the piper can hold the chanter, rather than have the chanter stock plugged with a stock cork.

Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod

Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod
This is a replacement carbon fiber rod for the Piper's Pal Reed Protector. The rod can also be used to "shut the chanter off" for novice pipers. When the rod is inserted in the chanter, the piper can practice holding the chanter and blowing the drones, without playing the chanter reed. The reed remains safely in the pipes, and the piper can hold the chanter, rather than have the chanter stock plugged with a stock cork.

Piper's Pal Reed Protector Replacement Rod
This is a replacement carbon fiber rod for the Piper's Pal Reed Protector. The rod can also be used to "shut the chanter off" for novice pipers. When the rod is inserted in the chanter, the piper can practice holding the chanter and blowing the drones, without playing the chanter reed. The reed remains safely in the pipes, and the piper